In the mean time, if you haven't kept up here are the patch notes for 3.3. Check out Wowinsider's patch page as well.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
It's patch day and the servers are astoundingly unstable. If you are like me, and judging by the forums there are a great many of you who are, you are basically seeing one of two screens right now.
Where you sit for a while before you get an all-expense paid trip to
Honestly, I can't say I expected much different but I really was hoping that I could get in and get some dailies done before dinner. I doubt I'll be able to get anything done tonight.
In the mean time, if you haven't kept up here are the patch notes for 3.3. Check out Wowinsider's patch page as well.
In the mean time, if you haven't kept up here are the patch notes for 3.3. Check out Wowinsider's patch page as well.