Blizzard indicated they understood the problem and had a plan to fix it. But after reading how that plan is currently implemented I'm not certain they have. In fact I think they've taken a bit of a step back toward BC. Currently each spell gives a certain amount of Eclipse power and will move a scale from the Lunar to Solar end and vice versa. I don't like the fact that our casting rotation seems to be becoming formulaic again. And the 15 second Eclipse window also doesn't seem to solve the problem of movement. It's still a massive considering no other caster class receives such a big portion of their DPS from a proc mechanic. Instead of the 15 second window I think I'd rather like to see a "pool" of Eclipse power become active, from which either Starfire or Wrath will pull from. Each cast would draw a "random" percentage with a specified range of the power, and after the power is depleted you'd begin to work up to the opposite side of the Eclipse scale. Having a pool available would retain the Eclipse effect, despite movement, until a range of casts had been made. And just to ensure an advantage wasn't retained over others, you could clear the effect upon end of combat.
Unfortunately Blizzard doesn't seem to be thinking along this line at all:
Here are a few clarifications on Eclipse and Balance intent is general. As you probably guessed, part of what you're seeing is a work in progress.You can currently re-proc a specific Eclipse effect but they intend to fix that; a fix that will force you to proc the other Eclipse effect before being able to re-proc the Eclipse effect that just did. And they intend to introduce some measure of "randomness" to the equation again by making the amount of power you receive from each cast somewhat random. But that's only window dressing. Instead of 5 Starfalls, 10 Wraths, 10 Starfalls, etc, it'll be something like 4-7 Starfalls, 8-14 Wraths, etc.
On Eclipse -- Currently Eclipse has a 30 sec cooldown on its proc, so it may be beneficial sometimes to say proc Lunar, go almost halfway to Solar but then just go back and proc Lunar again depending on the situation. In an upcoming build you cannot proc Lunar unless you proc Solar, and visa versa.
Eclipse’s “predictability” -- A new talent is being added that if taken will make lunar/solar energy gain a little more random, so as to make Eclipse less predictable.
Graylo over at Gray Matter has even more to say on the matter.